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Přijmeme zkušeného samostatného obchodníka

Do svého týmu obchodníků přijmeme zkušeného samostatného obchodníka ochotného budovat svou kariéru v oboru vázací a balící materiály a vázací a balící technika.

Straps / Steel / Steel straps with surface treatment

Steel straps with surface treatment

  • Excellent rigidity of the strapping
  • Resistant to temperatures (metallurgical operating units)
  • Surface: Galvanized, varnish, thermal blueing

Description and properties

They are delivered cyclic wound or in traditional winding (RIBON)
dimensions of reels for cyclic wound strap, inside diameter 400 mm, outside diameter 600 mm and the width of the roll 100 mm.

Methods of use

They are used during the packing where resistance to corrosion is required and where attention is paid on high strength and tenacity of strapping against shocks is required.


Dimensions of rolls for traditional winding (RIBON) inside diameter is 300 mm, outside diameter is 600 mm and the width of the roll is according to the width of the strap. These bands can have the following surface treatment and dimensions.

Type of surface treatment:

  • black varnished – the most used
  • galvanized thermal blued
  • thermally blued

Technical parameters

  • Strength 700-850 MPa
    Ductility about 6-8%
    Recommended for machine strapping with emphasis to proportional quality
  • Strength 950-1050 MPa
    Ductility about 12%
    Recommended for machine strapping with emphasis on proportional high quality.

dimension series

  • Series 12.7 mm
  • Series 16 mm
  • Series 19 mm
  • Series 25 mm
  • Series 31.75 mm


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